Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh
This letter I write as an application of my responsibility as the part
of the Muslims Ummah in performing what Allah, our God in His Holy Book,
Al Qur’an to remind each other, to advise each other in the truth and patient.
My brothers Islam teach us through its Holy Books and the Sunnah of
Rasulullah, Muhammad SAW to love each other, to love our brother in
Islam as we love ourselves. Even our Prophet, Muhammad SAW remind us
that we do not be a believer until we love our brother (in Islam) as we
love ourselves. And in the other Saying stated, anyone is not a believer
if he annoys his brother from his hand and tonue annoyance.
brothers, all of Arab Nations Governments and Leaders, our religion
Islam, teach us to kill whoever without lawful reasons include to
persuade anyone to do killing to anyone, moreover to invite or let one
or more countries to do mass killing, to do massacre, to devastate or
destruct one or more countries like you has done to Libya, Iraq, and
Afghanistan only their leaders your consider as the guilty persons that
uncertainty as a truth, and, if all of your (Arab Nations) consideration
are true, you have no rights to kill and devastate those countries,
moreover by inviting the foreign countries to devastate or destruct
these state that has built and developed by the properties and natural
resources of these countries not by using your money.
My brothers,
all of Arab Nations Governments and Leaders, Is it our religion Islam,
teach us to reconcile our brother if they fight each other? Therefore,
it is an action to be regret if our brothers do not perform this
teaching, but urge a part of citizens to rebel to their government, even
more than this, namely you has trained armed groups, armed gang, you
equip the with the newest weapons and you hire them to hostile and do
war to their government. These actions clearly err, cannot be justified
under whatever reason, moreover our religion. Therefore, please, put an
end all these mistaken steps; please stop all of these unlawful actions;
please end all of these illegal acts; and please back to the true road.
In relation to Syria, before late, please prevent the bloodshed
further; please reconcile all elements in Syria; please help them to
release them from the disaster; and help them to solve the lack of food,
clean water they faced as a result of war.
My brothers, I advocate
Muammar Qaddafi, Saddam Hussein, Mullah Omar, and Bashar al Assad not as
individual, but for their spirit to defend and protect their countries
from occupying and colonizing of the foreign countries and I will that
no Islamic Countries and the other countries fall under control, occupy,
and colonize the foreign countries.
I thing what I present to day
is enough, and I hope that this can be performed. To close this letter I
only can say, our brothers pardon me, excuse me if what I do annoy you.
I’m very sorry for this.
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